Business not as usual

Turkey: Perhaps one of the biggest lessons of the pandemic has been the urgent need to reassess our priorities, including the idea of ‘business as usual’, says Richard Betts, Sustainability Director at KPMG, in an interview with OLBIOS

Africa always was and still is rich

Massimiliano Fanni Cannelles writes on why Africa seems like the promised land for so many countries eager to invest there, but the threat of a new colonialism looms large


: access to capital - african american - Argentina - art market - arts philanthropy - Australia - autism - bankruptcy - Brazil - business ethics - Canada - capitalism - Chile - circular economy - cooperation - corporations - corruption - crisis - crisis and health - crowdsourcing - democracy - Denmark - development - disabled employment - economy - economy and ethics - ethical banks - ethical companies - ethical consumer - ethical economy - ethical funds - european community - extreme poverty - fair trade - finance - financial awareness - France - frugal innovation - Germany - Ghana - Guatemala - high impact entrepreneurs - high-skilled immigration - homeless people - immigrants - impact investing - India - Indonesia - intrapreneurs - Israel - Jordan - justice - Kenya - medical crowdfunding - micro-consignment model - micro-donations - micro-health insurance model - microcredit - microfinance - Middle East - minorities rights - Myanmar - network economy - new models of economy - NGO funding - Nigeria - Norway - Pakistan - Paraguay - Philippines - Politics - positive economy - poverty - Poverty Stoplight - private philanthropy - protest - public health - quality of life - refugee careers - responsible investment - rich-poor divide - Saudi Arabia - self-employed workers - self-managed communities - sharing economy - social enterprises - social entrepreneurs - socially responsible economy - Spain - successful development - Transparency International - unemployment - usa - venture philanthropy - women - women angel investors - women social entrepreneurs